After our valentine luncheon, we both went back to our office. Got home and found this little busy fella. My mom was doing some gardening and Oswald decide to chip in a helping hand. He was really really busy. Walking up and down, from this end to the other with the flowering pot in his hand... without water lar of course.. haha.. when he sees my mom plucking some grass, he also kneels down to do so... really a copycat!.. I could not resist and quickly took some pictures of him...
Well, our son lokks busy hor...
some time i really feel funny with my 2 little cow. Seeing their are growing up, such a good motivation to make me live life long :P, So, my dear hubby, u please take good care of ur health.
So cute little Oswald...he is so clever now...know how to help up his grandma..he seem very enjoy his gardening works...hehe...
Tracy: Live a longer life is not good enough... live a longer happy life is the most important!
Rachel: Of course he is enjoying.. plucking my mom's flower wor.. he is happy but my mom is angry!.. haha
this little guy is clever, knows the importance of gardeing, so that in future he will have lots of trees himself hehee
KP: hahaha... u r rite... watering everywhere... so everywhere will have a tree for himself!
Cutie Oswald,
where Oscar?
Bantwan: of coz cute lar... coz he looks like Tracy mah.. hee hee
Pao: Oscar as usual watching cartoon in the living room...:)
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