My mother was brought back to our home and the whole family members of mine were there to be her before she had her last breath. She has lost to the fatal desease after a two week battle. We are really heart broken and sad. She is really a great mother to us. She always puts our family on the 1st place. Never seems tired nor complain. Her smiles were warmth and her laughs were kind. She has taught us much and her teaching will always be remembered. Oscar and Oswald will sure miss her as she loves my kids very much. We all will miss her. Though her days were'nt long but I believe she have had the best days together with the family.
Mommy... you are the best mommy one could ever have and I thank you for what you have done for the family. Things might not be the same now after you left us but we are now grown ups and will take good care of our father and family. We will continue to spread the love and warmth like you do to our family. Mommy... you will always be in our heart.

p/s: I would like to thank all those who had gave support and paid their respect to my mother. Our family really appreciate it and I think so is my mother.